Project Roadmap
Click on the cards to check the details
Try Zustand
FreeTry Zustand to see if it's better than React Context for this project
Confirmation Emails in Register
FreeUse Resend to send confirmation emails in the register flow
Add forgot password & reset password flow
FreeAdd forgot password so users can reset their password.
Reminder Emails & Notifications
Paid FeatureSend reminder emails and notifications to users when they have an event coming up.
Add Property 'Project' to the Event
FreeAdd Property 'Project' to the Events so we can filter them in the calendar and list by project (example: Japan Trip 2025).
Redesign Detail Event Modal
FreeRedesign the Shwocase Modal to be more user friendly and intuitive.
Redesign Main Dashboard
FreeRedesign the Main Dashboard to be more user friendly and intuitive.
Redesign Settings Page
FreeRedesign the Main Dashboard to be more user friendly and intuitive.
Voting/Karma System
Paid FeatureAdd a voting system to the app so users can vote on the events and decide if they like it or not.
Ping to the Event
Paid FeaturePing system so other users can create a alert for an event to other users to check it out.
Add image to the Event
FreeAdd image to the Event so we can show it in the calendar and list them properly.
3D Map of the location
Paid FeatureAdd a 3D map of the location so we can show it in the calendar and list them properly.
Clean code
FreeClean code in the project
Open source
FreeOpen source the project
Self Hosted Non Paid Features
FreeWhen you self host, you should be able to use all the features without paying for them & Stripe will be disabled.
Redesign Form Event Modal
FreeRedesign the Form Event Modal to be more user friendly and intuitive.
FreeAdd PWA to the project
Send email when invite user to group/couple
FreeSend email when invite user to group/couple
Change to Auth.js
FreeMove from our own Auth to Auth.js to have a better user experience and 0Auth Integrations